Wanting more information about the various ministry programs at New Life Vineyard? Looking for opportunities to get involved? You’ve come to the right place! Below, you’ll find a list of some of the many programs our church offers.
Children & Youth Opportunities:
Here at the Vineyard, we have opportunities for children nursery age to high school! Discover these below:
Adult Opportunities:
We know that in a church, it can be difficult at times to find your place. Our hope is that through our ministry opportunities for adults, you will be able to grow spiritually and find a community that you can call family. Check them out below!
At NLV, we believe that meaningful relationships with God and others is what helps us grow to be more like Jesus. We are meant to be part of the body and experience rich community. We want you, and your family, to feel that sense of belonging and experience that growth.
Here are some ways that you can get connected with God and others at NLV.
If you are new to the Vineyard, this is a great way for you to get connected. It’s also a great way for us to get to know you and keep you informed about events and happenings that you may be interested in. You can also contact us directly at
We offer in-person and live-streamed services. We meet in-person at 10:00 AM on Sunday mornings. Our live service is also streamed every Sunday at 10:00 AM on Facebook, YouTube and at
Connect Groups are the small group ministry of our church, which typically meet every other week at the church or in a host’s home. For more information and the current group options visit our CONNECT GROUP page.
We are presently offering in-person nursery, preschool/toddler and Kids Church during our 10:00 AM service. Children are dismissed after the second worship song. Contact Pastor Dave for more information.
VineyardYOUTH, for 6-12th grade students, kicks off with weekly on Wednesdays with dinner (known as "GRUB") at 5:15 pm, followed by our youth group session from 6-8 pm. Through live praise and worship, prayer groups, inspiring messages, small group discussions, and fun games and activities, we create an environment where youth can grow spiritually while building meaningful relationships with one another. Contact our Youth Director, Jessica Cooper, for more information.
We’ve got a small but mighty Young Adults group that meets regularly as a Connect Group and gather for fun activities like game nights, holiday parties, and other outings. If you’re interested in joining, contact Pastor Dan, and he will add you to the group chat.
Our women’s ministry is a multi-generational outreach for women from all walks of life. Together we present multiple opportunities each year for spiritual growth, encouragement, fellowship, and fun! We regularly schedule retreats, conferences, Bible studies, and much more.
Our men’s ministry seeks to provide men with opportunities through study, prayer, social events and work projects to get connected to this local body of believers.
Our weekly prayer gathering meets online using Zoom each Wednesday from 8-8:30 AM to pray the Divine Hours and for each other. All are welcome! Email for the Zoom call information.
If you would like to submit a prayer request, please send it to

We’re a short drive from anywhere in the Midland area. Coming by US-10? We’re only 4 miles from the Eastman Rd. exit and only 2 miles from the US-10/Bus US-10 exit.
1014 E. Ashman St.
Midland, Michigan, 48642
Office Hours: Tue-Thur 8 AM-4 PM, Fri 8 AM-Noon
Phone: 989-832-7472