3-2-1 Filing Deadlines:

In order to ensure events are properly reconciled in the church calendar and promoted we strongly encourage the following deadlines:

3. (At Least) 3 months before the event takes place we would like to have an event form turned in with AT LEAST the title and date. This will allow for the event to be placed on the calendar and for the time and date to be saved. If a poster is needed for a “save the date” then a FULL event form is needed at this time.

2. (At Least) 2 months before the event we ask for an event form to be filled out COMPLETELY. This is needed for the graphic production to take place and will allow for any extra promotion to take place if space is available. It also ensures that dates of WHEN promotion is desired can be expressed. If graphics are being made by that specific ministry it is recommended that a “rough draft” of graphics are presented. This will allow for any corrections or direction and for promotion to start in a timely manner.

1. (At Least) 1 month before the event all graphics should be ready and promotion should be started. This allows for ample time for the public to be made aware. If the event requires expenses or other planning a “save the date” is always beneficial and this should take place BEFORE the 1 month period.

We recognize for that for various reasons it is sometimes not possible to meet these deadlines, but we ask that you understand that failure to meet these deadlines may result in your getting less than the best. It takes a great deal of coordination and development work to ensure the large number of events we offer are properly promoted.