New Life Vineyard’s Fall Connect and Serve Focus

This Fall we are emphasizing two of our four ministry pillars:
Connect and Serve.

Here at New Life Vineyard Church, we’re offering a fresh opportunity for you to connect with God and others and to serve God and others. When we connect and serve together, we find that we’re happy together!

Step 1: Get connected. We live in confusing times and the world seems to do everything it can to shipwreck our faith. To combat this, we’re challenging everyone to join a connect group for our Fall semester - which is only 5 meetings! During these meetings, we will be working through “What is God Really Like?” by Craig Groechel.

Step 2: Find a place to serve. Many of you here at NLV are already serving and we thank God for your faithfulness. There are also many that have yet to find the right opportunity to serve. This Fall we’re challenging everyone to serve on one of our weekly Hospitality Teams. This once per month opportunity is becoming an increasingly critical element of our ministry. If you’re not one of our teams, sign up today!