Finding Your Winning Retirement Strategy with Dr. Art and Crystal Prunier will at the Capital City Vineyard (1635 Coolidge Rd, East Lansing, MI 48823) on Friday, May 17th from 9 am - 3 pm. The cost is $30 per person or $40 per couple (sharing a work book). Registration includes course material and lunch.
Art and Crystal will help you and those you serve to prepare for retirement. A demographic wave of Baby Boomers is pouring into retirement. With time freed up from economic pursuits, they have the potential to positively impact your congregation and community. But to achieve that potential, they will need guidance from you!
The goal of this workshop is to provide you insights and practical tools to help those approaching and already retired in 5 Critical Areas of Retirement Life:
Social Connections
Meaningful Activities
Spiritual Life
Physical Health
Financial Preparedness.
The interdependence between these areas is not generally appreciated and will be emphasized in this workshop. The secondary goal is similar to the first: to help you as pastors prepare for your own retirement, especially in the area of Financial Preparedness.
Art and Crystal Prunier are members of New Life Vineyard Church (Midland, MI). Art is a retired engineer who has embraced an “encore career” as a financial planning educator. Crystal Prunier is a retired Occupational Therapist who is actively involved with several volunteer groups as well as their 5 grandchildren. They have been teaching retirement planning and investing classes in their community for the last 10 years. This material is being used around the Vineyard movement, including the Columbus Vineyard.