


The “Sweet, Sweet, Sound” capital campaign is giving our church community the opportunity to make an impact toward dramatically improving our worship technology and safety/security systems. It involves replacing our mixing board, speakers, and other important sound equipment plus upgrading our security cameras, alarms, and safety monitoring.


Worship and safety are high values of our church. Many of the primary elements of our church systems are from the previous millennium. Our current sound system was not designed for our facility, but rather is largely made up of components brought from our previous facility purchased as far back as 1997. What was great in the 1990’s eventually needs an upgrade. The sound quality has been slowly deteriorating and our sound has hot spots and a host of other complications and limitations that inhibit a high-definition audio experience. Aging systems have an impact on our guests. Our security system (cameras, alarms, etc.) are not as advanced as they should be. It’s time to change that!

The funds raised through this campaign will provide a significantly improved experience for our audience, our Audio Team and our Worship Team and improve the safety and security of our congregation, especially our children.

Why a campaign - why not just write a check?

Good Stewardship: We’re having a campaign because, as you hear every week, being good stewards of God’s resources are important to us. We want to ensure funds are available for emergencies and maintenance.

God’s Blessing: We’ve also had some folks come forward and say that they’d like to contribute toward these upgrades, and who are we to rob them of God’s blessing for being faithful stewards.

What is our goal:

A: Our goal is to raise $42,000 through this campaign. The total project budget is $42,000 for audio, video, safety & security equipment.

This figure is based on several months of research to determine what is appropriate for a church of our size.

Our overarching principle is this: We believe that good stewardship is more than getting the cheapest brands or equipment. This is bad stewardship. Our goal was to research for the best equipment for our situation at the most reasonable price – going cheaper on things we can go cheaper on, and staying high-quality on areas that shouldn’t be compromised on.

We’ve done extensive price comparisons and have consulted with several churches and experts. We’ve consulted with other Vineyard Churches around the country and have also consulted local churches to ensure that we’re making the best decision possible. (list examples from the slides)

Q: When are the funds due?

A: You can give immediately online by following the link on the FAQ that’s in this weeks bulletin. We will be receiving a special offering on Sunday, April 14th. Otherwise you can denote your gift by writing “sound” on the offering envelope or check memo.

Q: Are we taking pledges also?

A: If you’d like to give and don’t have the funds available now you can make a pledge. We prefer the funds received by the end of June. If you’d like to make a pledge just write your name and “pledge” on the special, green campaign envelopes.


If you would like more information, email Pastor Mike at mike@midlandvineyard.com