It is our vision to see men’s hearts and lives changed through the transforming presence of God. The Men’s Ministry at Midland New Life Vineyard seeks to provide men with opportunities through study, prayer, social events and work projects to get connected to this local body of believers. We believe God will use these opportunities to help us mature and grow in our knowledge of him, his Word and his will for our lives. Through the relationships we build with each other we will be encouraged as we walk out our faith. Check the bulletin, church calendar, lobby bulletin board or talk to a leadership team member for details on upcoming events.
Men’s Breakfast
Every Saturday from 7:30-9:00 am a group of men get together for breakfast and a Bible Study led by Chuck Collins. They meet in the basement of the church. Everyone is welcome! Plan to join us for one of these great connection events.
Annual Events
Keep your eye out for upcoming events. We host an annual Fish Fry, Men’s Breakfast, Skeet Shoot, NFL Draft Party, and Men’s Conference. We hope you can make it to one of these bigger events.

Need more info?
Contact Brent Salamon